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Fri, Apr 7th, 2023

April 7, 2023
Good Friday…..Where Joy and Sorrow Meet

Seasons of disappointment and even near desperation will come upon us. Many are experiencing such a season even now. This day, in particular, reminds me that what appeared to be defeat would shortly become the victory of all eternity. Even today some hearts are breaking. Some minds are racing with “what ifs”. Some have voices speaking to them that declare complete destruction.

Not so. Be encouraged with the truth. Jesus knew. He suffered for the joy set before Him. These past days I have thought often of the words to a song by Avalon..”Where Joy and Sorrow Meet”. Jesus endured because He knew the victory that would come….and He loved. I pray the words of the song will minister to you. I pray you will find the song and listen. “There is a place where hope remains…..”

Where Joy and Sorrow Meet by Avalon

There's a place of quiet stillness ‘tween the light and shadows reach
Where the hurting and the hopeless seek everlasting peace
Words of men and songs of angels whisper comfort bittersweet
Mending grief and life eternal where joy and sorrow meet.

There is a place where hope remains
In crowns of thorns and crimson stains
And tears that fall on Jesus' feet
Where joy and sorrow meet

There's a place the lost surrender and the weary will retreat
Full of grace and mercy tender in times of unbelief
For the wounded there is healing, strength is given to the weak
Broken hearts find love redeeming where joy and sorrow meet

There's a place of thirst and hunger where the roots of faith grow deep
And there is rain and rolling thunder when the road is rough and steep
There is hope in desperation there is victory in defeat
At the cross of restoration where joy and sorrow meet.

Jane Pfefferkorn