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His Work of Art

Mon, May 6th, 2024


May 5, 2024

His Work of Art…

Grandsons, Luke and Myles, were invited along with the seventh and eighth grade classmates to a painting class at City Hall this week. Led by a local artist and community leader, the experience was not only an occasion for learning but also one that resulted in a lovely creation for the participants. Both boys came home displaying a canvas with the same picture but which each held a unique flavor of their personal touches.

The instructor designated the components of the painting and the suggested colors, but left the application to the student. The seashore, pathway, ocean, sailboat, sky and clouds were non-negotiables. Paint colors were also assigned. But the details were left to the student.

Clearly, Luke and Myles, followed directions well, and their paintings are definitely going to be framed and hung on this grandma’s kitchen wall. Until that happens, however, the pictures are on the mantel, side by side.

As I took time to look at them again this morning, I thought of the scripture about each of us being God’s workmanship, His masterpiece. As will sometimes happen, I started connecting dots and realized there is a precious message. While each picture has the same theme and colors, the details are distinct. One pathway to the sea is wide, one more narrow. Footprints can be seen on the wider pathway but not so clearly on the narrow. One sky has large, fluffy clouds and the other has many more clouds but they are much smaller. One sunset in the distance is filled with a rose-colored background, the other is much more pale.

The Amplified Bible for Ephesians 2:10 reads like this: “For we are His workmanship (His own master work, a work of art), created in Christ Jesus (reborn from above – spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used) for good works, which God prepared (for us) beforehand (taking paths which He set), so that we would walk in them (living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us).

God is painting His work of art in the lives of both these young men. He has the design, and He has chosen the masterpiece He has in mind. But the details….how precious that those details are distinguishable, noteworthy, and beautiful.

“Who was your instructor?” I asked more than a few times. “I don’t know,” was the reply. “You don’t know him?” “No.”

Oh, that will preach, too.

Although they interacted with him throughout the afternoon, although they were told the instructor’s name, and although the instructor led them through the process to create a treasure….it is true….they did not truly get to know him.

Not to worry. I know him. Yes, Mr. Lancaster, you did a beautiful job of teaching these young men. I will make certain they know your name.

Luke and Myles know Jesus. But their journey is just beginning. The Master has prepared a work of art for each of their lives. The distinct details of each will become evident as His purpose unfolds on the canvas. As the shapes and colors appear they will know the Author and Finisher in ways they do not know Him now. His Name will guide them through His Work of Art on paths set out beforehand just for them.

Thank you, Mr. Lancaster, for your patient example and creative abilities.

And, I thank you and praise you, Jesus, for the Masterpiece you are creating in each of your children. I pray my finished canvas is found worthy to frame and hang in Your house.